We were thrilled with our accomplishments in 2024 and look forward to increasing our memberships and participation in 2025. Our 2024 highlights include:
Successful FUNdraiser at Bright Path Brewery.
An impressive letter-writing campaign featured in the TimesNews, that spoke out against the dangers of Panther Creek burning tires and tire-derived fuel.
Many miles walked while hanging notices of meetings in Nesquehoning to share the impact of the Panther Creek Power proposals to burn tires and tire-derived fuel with their neighbors.
Freiwald Law's generous offer to engage in a lawsuit on behalf of Save Carbon County against Digital Stronghold/PA-DEP/Gov Shapiro's office to prohibit the burning of tires and tire-derived fuel at Panther Creek and to require quarterly emissions testing and environmental hazard assessments for all known environmental hazards, be made available to the public without limitation.
Pause in Digital Stronghold / Panther Creek's burning of tires and tire-derived fuel.
18 PurpleAir air quality monitors were purchased and 9 were installed in high-risk areas of the Panther Valley, along route 940 in Kidder Township, and the West End of Palmerton. The Real-time map is available online at https://map.purpleair.com/air-quality-standards-us-epa... We are looking to install the remaining 9 monitors early in 2025.
Comprehensive press coverage highlighting Save Carbon County's position against burning tires at Panther Creek Power.
Kidder Township adoption of a curative amendment limiting truck terminals (aka distribution centers) along Route 940.
Successful advertising campaign to raise awareness of the toxic dangers of sewage sludge, including on-site interviews in East Penn Township that were broadcast on WFMZ, WVIA, and Fox56. Listen in at https://www.wvia.org/news/local/2024-06-04/sewage-sludge-stinks-up-summer-for-east-penn-township-residents and https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/poconos-coal/carbon-county-community-sounding-alarm-about-sewage-sludge/article_aab837b8-21f4-11ef-94ac-b30d51cb5cd6.html
Participation in PA-DEP Public Hearings, Municipal meetings, and the Lenape Nation Pow-wow at Mauch Chunk Lake.
Partnerships with Save Plainfield Township, Save the West End of Schuylkill County, LOVE Kidder Township, PennFuture, Delaware RiverKeeper Network, and advocates opposed to sewage sludge and reckless development.
Gratitude and respect for Save Carbon County from residents and elected officials.
Excellent coverage from the press, including BRC13, TimesNews, WNEP, WVIA, Fox56, The Guardian, National Public Radio (NPR), and many more!
We can't do this without you - please join us today at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/savcc!